
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2024

New York Webquest

Hi blog today  I am going to talk about the most interesting website, for my the most interesting webside is The Met, because I find the diferent  exhibitions   of diferent country and culture, also I really like the disign of the webside, is very tidy. My favorite is the Collection Areas.  I would like visited the Central Park because I know very movies and tv show that were filmed here,. The second things is visit the Statue of Liberty, because is a icon in the city and she is so beutiful and importan. The last thing I would like to do is see the brodway show, I really like to see The Lion King show.  1. Statue of Liberty To take Ferry you must to go Battery Park and this have a price of $24.50.  2. Central Park The subway more near is 5 Av / 84St  3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) The price of the ticket is $30.00 and te subway more near is Station Mets  4. Times Square Website:  Times Square Task: Look into what events or a...

A Fun Day Out With Friends

The last week my friend Antonia it was his birthay, she turned 21 years and she had a party in your house. My friend Anotonia I've know her simce the school, about five years ago, just like all my friends in the photo.We iknow in the liceo tajamar, and we stay together until we left to school.  The onde of the letf is Feña, the continues is me, after Antonia and finally Consuelo. I went to his house and this day I stayed at his house with all of my friends.  I did was go out to eat , play with my friends, knwos new people and talk about many things. What amde this day spacial was that I spend time with my friends at unoiversity and when we did see each other it was a very fun time. The end of the day we finishd very tired because we stayed talking until to 7 am and couldn't sleep, but it was very entairteining. I really like stay with my friends because they are very important for me.