Television programme

Hi blog, today i am going to talk about to my favorite tv serie when i was child. My favorite serie from when I was child was called Hannah  Montana, it was a serie from disney channel. 

It was about a girl (Miley Stewart)  who had two lives, one was a pop superstar and the other was an ordinary girl, his secret identity is only know to his family and a couple of friends.

I watched every day after school since 2010. I watched with my cousin or my aunt, it depended who I was staying with that day. My aunt took me to see the movie at the cinema when it came out.

I liked it because is was very funny, it has a romance, drama, sometimes it is sad and the best thing wasthat it had a lot music. 

The last time I watched it was last year, every year I see again, this year  i still haven't see. 

When i was child all my birthdays were about Hannah Montana, i had backpacks, clothes, shoes, i was a little obsessed with her.  


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