Your Semester So Far

This semester it has been very relaxing for my, I have 4 courses and this allow me to not be so stressed. This has been very fine for me because I really liked go to a class. My favourite clalsses is Taller, because is more didactics, I really hate the class that you have to sit all the time paying attention. The classe I are not enjoying is fundamentos de la arquitectura because is very slow for me, I really like the history, but this class is so boring for me. 

I tried to write everyting in my planner, because I am very absent-minded and I forget everiting.

I usully I'm going out with my friends or my boyfriend and if i don't feel like it stay in my home. I really liked see movies my favorite plan is go to the cinema and eat popcorn. 

The highlight of the semester so far is this semester I have been able to organize myself better and I have enjoyed it more. Also I have more time to see my friends, in the previous ones semesters I don't have a time too see everytime and now if we can see each other more often. 



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