Bye Bye Blog

Hi classmate,

Today I am going to talk about to my expirience writing and reading this blog.

 The bloog I enjoyed writing most is "Last weekend", because that weekend was a lot so fun for me, I really like go out with my friends and know new places. I probably my least enjoyed writing is Tecnology, because i dont know very much of cell phones, and i didint now to write at that moment. 

I really enjoyed reading "A beautiful place in chile", because they had many beautiful places and I don't know they all, so is very interesting see the new places in chile and the second  I really like reading is "Television program" because is very funny remember the program I liked when I was a child. 

I think that improved a lot, because before I didn't know so many words and now I like learn new words and gramatical. 

The thing I like about using the blog is I know more from my classmate and I foud very interesting, I had never had the experience of writing on a blog. 

Thanks for reading, bye:)


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